Why is there a God ?
Seeking the Truth

God is explained with science. So here is that seems sure. It’s up to you to check if you can believe in God.

Sources of my web sites :

Matthieu GIROUX
(33) (0) 2 23 46 06 54 (France)

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Why To Pray?
by Matthieu Giroux
on Saturday 22 September 2018

To pray is to think about others, to get them well. Thus, praying allows us to become attached to others through the mind, in order to broaden our relationship with others. Indeed, our individuality is reinforced with others. Maybe you’re praying already, without knowing it. The point is to understand that the more you pray to others, the more you grow your spirit towards others.
We think about his family or his friends. We try to feel them us to put ourselves to their place, to better (...)